Gordana Majnarić je diplomirala kroatistiku i povijest na Pedagoškom fakultetu u Puli i studirala je slikarstvo na Ecole A.B.C. de Dessin de Paris. Više godina radila je kao dizajner. Slika na PVC foliji vlastitom tehnikom koju je krajem 70-tih godina razvila iz slikanja uljem na plexi staklu, a koristi također i druge medije izražavanja: crtež, fotografiju, collage, skulpturu, prostornu instalaciju, video film i vlastiti tekst. Angažira se za globalnu ekološku higijenu stavom o ekološkoj svijesti koji je istovremeno i lajtmotiv u njezinom stvaralačkom radu: “Ja se ne borim za bolju budućnost. Ja se borim protiv pogrešne stvarnosti.” Od 1980. koristi otpad za reciklažu i umjetničku obradu. Svoj ambijentalni i konceptualni projekt “Gajana 1985 – ∞”, u kojem je između ostalog integrirala i umjetničku reciklažu, namjenila je revitalizaciji sela Gajana u Istri i isti realizira u obliku work in progress. Član je HDLU Istra i IG Bildende Kunst (Beč). Od 1980. izlaže u Europi i SAD. Živi u Beču i u ljetnim mjesecima u Gajani pokraj Vodnjana. Njezini objekti, instalacije, skulpture i assemblage od otpada i odbačenih predmeta su permanentno izloženi u Art International Asheville (North Carolina, USA) i u njezinoj gajanskoj “Kući lutaka” koju se može posjetiti i razgledati tijekom svakog ljeta.
Gordana Majnarić, after graduating from the Pedagogical Faculty Pula, studied painting at the École A.B.C. de Dessin de Paris. The years dedicated to enriching her art’s background were followed by several years of engagement as advertising designer in Vienna. After having spent some years of painting on Plexiglas, she developed her own oil painting technique using PVC foil instead of Plexiglas. Her range of artistic media also include drawing, collage, photography, sculpture, installation and video film.
Since the early eighties she has been particularly interested in all forms of recycling, incorporating it into her conceptual work in progress and artistic activity with educational-environmental engagement consistently following her credo “I am not fighting for a better future. I am fighting against our wrong present.”
Gordana is a member of HDLUI (Croatian Society of Artists in Istria) and IG Bildende Kunst (Vienna). Since 1980, her works have been exhibited extensively throughout Europe and the United States of America. Her objects, installations and sculptures made out of useless / consumed materials of all kinds are permanently exhibited in Art International Asheville (North Carolina, USA) as well as in her “Dolls house” in Gajana which can be visited during the summer months.